Thursday, February 2, 2012

What I've been up to

The date is not for real, but the people and location are. I slipped my name in there first, because during my second grueling hour of making this thing, I realized that there was no reason why not (shirking tradition). It's also alphabetically accurate, which I'm sure some people will appreciate.
This "very easy" wedding is turning out to be more work than I had initially thought, but we still are getting away with doing a lot less than if it were a bigger, more traditional affair.  At a certain point, all we'll have to do is simply sit around and wait for the big day to come, but the next month or so will be relatively hectic with booking hotel rooms, finalizing the dinner, and most likely dedicating a few trips out to the far end of Utah to choose an exact location. Oh, and the photographer... But there are things I'm really looking forward to as well-- my brother is going to make our invitations, and he has a particular passion for drawing birds of prey. My mom is making my dress, though I suspect she would have rather just bought me one. I expressed sentiment over convenience, but the only person it truly inconveniences is her-- I'm lucky to have such an awesome mom.
As for Joe, he's been away trapping eagles in California for the past few weeks. He chose the date, and is currently trying to decide on a ring for himself. He also has veto power for anything, though he has been wise not to abuse it. In fact, he's generally very agreeable to anything I suggest, though I'm still trying to convince him that it will be really sweet if he carries me down the aisle after the ceremony. He is correct in reminding me that there won't actually be an aisle, as we will most likely be standing in dirt right next to cliff. Such a clever guy, that's one of the reasons I'm marrying him.


Carol Swift said...

Such a nice family to help you have the wedding you want.

Ron said...

Super place for a wedding! Can't wait, assuming we get invited.